With the end of the 2016 we are ending the third cycle of the project which is now traditionally celebrated with the annual exhibition which displays the results of one-year work and activities of workshop participants. This year also, the participants of the workshops have awarded the Benčić Youth Council best artists and cultural worker/educator.
Preparation workshop and “3rd Annual Exhibition” as part of the Benčić Youth Council project were held from 9th to 20th January 2017 in the space of Studio Kamov, Rijeka. Annual Exhibition is a communication platform through which children have the opportunity to choose and present their work that they have been doing throughout the year during BYC workshops.
During the three days’ workshop children prepared the space for the exhibition, they were the curators of their own work that were disbursed according to the workshops that we had throughout the year. For each exhibition children set up a few of their impressions to better show what we did and learned at each workshop. Also, for each exhibition children designed the space so that it reflects the theme of the individual workshops.
A special feature of this year’s exhibition was the production of the interactive exhibition poster that in addition to its original purpose of medium and transference of information, with the action of an individual and his interaction with the poster becomes an origami house inspired by the Benčić Youth Council logo. The idea of creating an interactive poster was developed with the designer Leo Kirinčić, and was conceived with the aim to create a poster that will with its content, but also with the possibilities, represent the fundamental principles of the Benčić Youth Council – interactivity, creativity and active participation. Origami as the art of paper folding, which at the same time represents a fun experience and intellectual challenge served as the perfect inspiration.
During the workshop, the children produced an instructional video that will help everyone to fold the poster correctly.
Opening of the exhibition took place on January 13th and we want to thank everyone for coming and supporting us!

Number of participants: 15
Location: Studio Kamov, Križanićeva 6A, Rijeka
Photos: Tanja Kanazir

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