Audio Brickzine is the audio version of the printed magazine Brickzine¹. It is created as a part of the Junior Editorial Board, a project that is a part of the flagship Brickhouse – Rijeka 2020 European Capital of Culture. The project goal is to popularize reading and to provide children with reading difficulties, blind or sight impaired children access to Brickzine content.

¹Brickzine, magazine for children about making culture is one of the project of the flagship Brickhouse – Rijeka 2020 ECOC. Magazine is published twice a year, it has its own online platform by the publisher Rijeka City Library.
Comment: Project is financed by Rijeka 2020 ECOC and The City of Rijeka.

About the materials:

Two issues of Audio Brickzine have been published. The fist one in 2019. on the topic of “street” and the second one in 2020. on he topic of “boredom”. Our goal is to develop new forms of interdisciplinary media content for children and youth with which we will explore the possibilities of more creative and fun use of traditional media, and also to offer safe environment for consummation of educational content.



  • Petra Šarac (reading techniques and dramatization)
  • Association RiRock – Radio Roža (audio, Davor Popdankovski, Davor Margan, Sebastijan Tomažin)

Listen here (only available in Croatian):