Tenth Benčić Youth Council workshop was held under the title “Children Summer Nights”, and gathered 19 participants. The idea of the workshop was to get to know the festival Rijeka Summer Nights, which every year enriches the city’s cultural offer in the summer.
Rijeka Summer Nights is a long-standing festival that removes plays and other theatrical events from the common spatial framework and thereby gives them another dimension. The plays are performed in the open, in various town squares and hidden spaces in the city, which gives them a special touch and a different atmosphere. The goal was to get children acquainted with the cultural offerings of the city in the summer, not only to this but also other events that can enrich their summer holidays.
We divided the two days workshop into two parts – spatially on the western and eastern part of the city that we explored. The first day we met with our Councilors in the western part of the city center and we organized a treasure hunt game. The tasks were to find different locations, which are urbanisticaly and socially important for Rijeka. For example, the task was to find the former Bank of Rijeka, now closed because the toponym is still present in the speech of the citizens of Rijeka and is the cult meeting place. The aim of the game is to, accurately and quickly, find, take a photo in front and mark on the map to all locations. The last point was the Art Kino in which we book tickets for the movie “Centenarian Who Escaped Through The Window and Disappeared” after the big hunt. Before the screening, theater employee took us all the way to the cinema projection room and then we went in the back hidden courtyard where there are held summer Art Cinema projections. Unfortunately, despite the inquiry about the content of the film and checking the permitted age limit for watching the movie, movie was too violent and profanity was not appropriate for the Benčić Youth Council. We thanked everyone and left before the screenings end for a walk.
The second day was devoted to the exploration of the eastern part of the city center when we again had a contest to find interesting locations. The group that was better at reading the map came first, but due to an error the score was tied. After that we went to St. Barbara Square, where we watched the play Trsat’s Dragon by the City Puppet Theatre. The play about the history of Rijeka in the very heart of the Old City of Rijeka was refreshing.
On this workshop children learned in detail interesting locations within the city center, but also have learned to read labels, read maps and ask citizens for information. Also, they had the opportunity to get familiarized with and see different events that were simultaneously taking place in the city (Tango in the Square, opening of the exhibition in Mali salon, etc.) and to attend the two selected programs. Unfortunately, one was not adequate because of the wrong information.
Number of participants: 19
Locations throughout Rijeka’s center
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