Photos: BYC

We continued our cooperation with the Prostor Plus Association through another Festival Design Lab workshop. Throughout this workshop, our Festival Plesni zbirkus has been solidly framed.
An open call for artists was issued during the summer and artist who thought they have a performance and / or workshop appropriate for our festival could apply. We received 16 different applications from Croatia and neighboring countries. During this workshop we looked at all the video contributions and descriptions and with the help of the Prostor Plus Association we evaluated and selected the best performances that we invited to our festival.
Follow us – the Festival program is coming up in October and the Festival in November!

Number of participants

LOCATION: Križanićeva 6a, Rijeka

COLLABORATOR: Tajana Josimović

Radionica se provodi u partnerstvu s Udrugom Prostor Plus u sklopu projekta “Žiroskop – civilno-javno partnerstvo u upravljanju prostorima kulture u Rijeci”  Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog socijalnog fonda. Organizacija aktivnosti je sufinancirana u okviru Operativnog programa Učinkoviti ljudski potencijali iz Europskog socijalnog fonda. Sadržaj komunikacije isključiva je odgovornost Udruge Prostor Plus. Udruga Prostor Plus korisnica je institucionalne podrške Zaklade Kultura nova.