We decided to dedicate the workshops in October to the topic of intercultural dialogue. This time we decided to divide the activities into two workshops – Introductory workshop and workshop Circus.
Circus workshop was held at the Kamov Residence of MMCA in Križanićeva Street 6A.
Luka Piletič, student of social pedagogy in Ljubljana and a street performer, was our guest this time and the leader of the workshop.
The goal of the workshops was to learn more about the street performance, how it differs from the classical theater, familiarize with circus techniques and try our hand in public performance. In doing so, it was important for us that kids realize that in this type of public appearance they become directly exposed to criticism and evaluation. With this, we wanted the children to become aware of their position as performers, but also of their behavior towards other performers on the street.
This was the first workshop in which we had a guest from abroad. It was an opportunity for children to expand their horizons, try to learn words in another language and open up to a different culture, very similar to ours but still different.
On the first day of the workshop, the children learned about performance and juggling. Luke Piletič led the introduction and theater exercises. After that, the children learned how to create personalized juggling balls from rice and balloons. After lunch, we started with the initial exercises and by the end of the day; the most skilled ones were juggling with three balls.
The second day we started with warming up and theatrical exercises, and then Luka introduced us to other circus props: the hoop, poi, diabolo, plates. Everyone tried all the props, and Luka helped everyone in the initial steps. Then everyone learned how to make his/hers pair of poi from rice and socks. After lunch, everyone chose his/hers favorite prop, and together with Luke we planned our first street performance. We had our performance on the square in front of the Continental Hotel 14:15 hours.
Number of participants: 10
Location: MMSU premises, Križanićeva 6A
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