Workshop “Re(creation) of Križanićeva”, a part of the Benčić Youth Council Project, was held on October 28th and 29th 2016 in the Studio Kamov, Križanićeva Street 6A, Rijeka. This workshop was a part of the pilot program From Citizens to Their City, the second project in Rijeka that is developing with the support of the Art Foundation Musagetes. All activities within the mentioned program were related to the location Studio Kamov in Križanićeva Street because in 2017 the area will become the headquarters of the new program, and also for the Benčić Youth Council.

We decided that on the workshop, together with the children, we would execute minimal intervention with which we would refresh the space and adapt it for more frequent use. So that all interventions would be successfully performed, we invited the collective Art Mašina – Dunja Tišma, Mary Kajapi, Jadranka Lacković and artist Nika Rukavina to join us.

Preparing for such an extensive workshop we started a two-week campaign to gather plants, shelves, books and old cameras, which will continue also in the future. Thanks to all who donated something from their inventories for our space.

During two days of the workshop, we, together with children, intervened in the space in a subtle way so it could remain adaptable to different users, regarding age or activity. The minor interventions in the space were smoothing and painting the walls, cleaning floors, while some of the larger and reversible (and movable) interventions were planting flowers, making couches out of pallets and painting (designing)  pillow case.

The workshop entailed comprehensive work  and for it to be successfully done we split up into small groups and focused on different activities with skillful mentoring from our associates. Jadranka Lacković led the painting of pillow cases. For the material we chose jaundice, while we painted with acrylic in the shades of green and blue that are already present in the space. All pillowcases are made in pairs because on every sofa there will be two pillows, some were made as positive and negative, while in some colors or shapes link a pair. Nikao Rukavina and Marija Kajapi led the couch making. Although this is a job that requires the use of machines that need to be handled with care, the children were involved in the entire process with the result of 5 white couches made out of pallets on wheels.

Thank you all for your help and participation, and you are hereby invited to come in Križanićeva Street 6A and look at what we accomplished!

Number of participants: 15
Location: Studio Kamov, Križanićeva 6A, Rijeka

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