Furthermore, the goal of the project is to exchange tools both with the participants and with the project partners. Each of the partners has found some methods and tools which they use in their local community, and the project will provide them with the opportunity to teach others and learn from others. Participative theatre was chosen as the primary method because it was recognized as a valuable tool in the process of empowerment and emancipation of the young. It is based on games and simulations, focusing on individual’s decisions. Implementation of the project in this way, in a multicultural surroundings, will provide the educators with the opportunity to exchange experiences and tools while the participants will be able to expand their horizons and learn about the conditions and life of their peers in other countries and surroundings.

Project contractor:
Association for the Development of Art, Culture and Education – Project Benčić Youth Council, Croatia
Partner organizations:
- Ung Egedal, Denmark
- Percipio, Macedonia
- Nuova Destinazione d’Uso, Italy
- Dance studio DANCE BUZZ, Srbija
outh exchange entitled “Power to act” aims to empower and emancipate the young by using creative methods of participative theatre, and to develop new and more efficient informal approaches to education directed towards empowerment, emancipation and self-actualization of the young.
27 May – 30 May 2019
Youth exchange “Power to Act” was preceded by an APV meeting which included one leader and one representative of the young from each partner organization. APV ensured additional time for getting to know each other, familiarize with the goals and the idea of the project, setting common rules and expectations, as well as for preparing, organizing and assigning tasks among the partners.