Photos: Natali Bosić
Workshop “Zin Zin”, a part of the project Benčić Youth Council, was held on 28th and 29th December 2017. It was realized in cooperation with Zin Zin’s Fanzin Library, namely its founders Bruno Butorc and Franko Kalčić.
Fanzin is an unprofessional publication that is being edited, created and multiplied by amateur journalists – ordinary people who are eager to write and do something creative. At Zin Zin’s workshop, children had the opportunity to get acquainted with the DIY technique of making a magazine – fanzine.
Zin Zin’s library was created to promote and revitalize the culture of creating and reading fanzin. The idea of creating a fanzine library was created by a few fans of this type of publication. Their desire is to inform people about making “culture alone” by archiving, making and borrowing the fanciful culture and encouraging them to become active themselves, and by doing so they are fighting against colonialism and monotony in society. The library is located in the Filodrammatica building, and it will open in early January.
Fran and Bruno presented the concept of fanzines and a few selected fanzines from their library, among which was their fanzine Nula Negativ (Zero Negative). After we discussed together about the content and appearance of fanzine we started to make our own. The chosen topic was the previous BYC year and the experience of our members. Everyone has chosen the mode of expression that is most enjoyable – text, song, picture collage … and we got to work.
The result of a two-day workshop is the fanzin named Vijesnik mladih Benčića, which you can see online!
Number of participants
LOCATION: Križanićeva 6A, Rijeka
COLLABORATORS: Bruno Butorac, Fran Kalčić